Club Block Board
KPI CLUB block board are made in boiling Water proof grade, duly bonded with phenol Formaldehyde
synthetic resin. KPI CLUB block board is a premium quality board with high resistant properties against
borer attacks. All the three components of this block board i.e., face veneer, core veneer & Pine wooden
battens are well matched. The wooden battens are thoroughly seasoned in scientifically run seasoning kiln
plants and then cut with great precision to obtain uniform thickness. These battens are systematically
arranged and utmost care is taken to avoid any extra gap between the battens. Regular tests are conducted
to maintain the quality of block boards as per the standard IS : 1659.
- Core protection for borer-termite resistance.
- lS 1659 product.
- Bonded with superior grade pf resin for
- Higher strength & durability.
- High resistance to all climatic conditions.
- Superior face veneer finish